Working together to prevent suicide
To view the World Suicide Prevention Day brochure please click on the link below
World Suicide Prevention Day Brochure
World Suicide Prevention Day Brochure
COVID Tracker is a free and easy-to-use mobile phone app that can:
Alert you if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
Advise you on what to do to protect yourself and others
Alert other app users that you were in close contact with, if you test positive for coronavirus
Just click on the link below for further information.
Please click on the link below to read to book;
Please click on the link below for helpful information on Minding our Mental Health during the COVID-19 crisis: A Resource for Carers
Minding our Mental Health during the COVID-19 crisis: A Resource for Carers
Please click on the link below from some useful information from parents plus.
Please see the below information from the NPC - National Parents Council which maybe be of intrest to parents who have children transitioning from preschool to primary school.
Due to Covid-19 we are unable to continue with the delivery of the parent programme supporting transitions from pre-school to primary school around the country as we had planned. However, we still feel that it is important that we support parents to prepare themselves and their children for this transition so we have developed a short video with some of the key information from the programme which is available here.
There is no need to register just hit the play button below and if you have any questions please contact one of our helpline officers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will be happy to assist you.
This session can also be accessed and shared via Facebook and Twitter
Useful ideas from Kerry Children and Young People’s Services Committee’s (CYPSC);
Top 3 daily activities/resources for children and young people to do online or at home during the pandemic.
Hardship Fund for Older People
Age Action and the Irish Red Cross have raised funds to provide assistance to older and vulnerable people around Ireland who are experiencing hardship due to Covid-19 with a once off grant of €500.
Those that can apply are;");">▪️Older People in need of assistance.");">▪️Family member/Carers Of Older People.");">▪️Social Workers helping this target group.");">▪️Voluntary Groups helping Older People.
They can apply for the following;");">▪️Small household maintenance & repairs.");">▪️Upgrade or New Small appliances.");">▪️Digital Technology(Phones or tablets)");">▪️Contribution towards ESB or Phone Bill");">▪️Contribution towards home security.
How to apply;
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 01-6424600 or 01-4756989
Or the form is in the below link;…/2020-covid-19-hardship-fund-form…
Helpful Links - Covid 19
Recommendations to support and protect children’s emotional well-being during the pandemic
Guidance when talking to your child about Covid-19
Coping with the impact of Coronavirus for adolescents and young adults
Please click on the link below to find A Guide for the Bereaved during the COVID-19 Pandemic